
Important companies choose Automechanika Buenos Aires 2024

Prominent market players choose the leading international exhibition in Argentina for automotive industry services in the region to carry out their networking activities.

In the framework of Automechanika Buenos Aires, Groupauto International, the world-class group of distributors of parts and services for the automotive industry, held the First Pan-American Congress in the Argentine capital and celebrated the group's tenth anniversary in the country with an excellent turnout.

The event was organized by Groupauto Latam Austral, the regional block composed of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay, and had the participation of more than 20 distributors from the block, as well as from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, and Venezuela. Additionally, over 70 members of their Eurotaller network of mechanical workshops, both national and international, joined the event.

Günter Weber, President and CEO of Groupauto International, was present and presented the latest news, results, and worldwide projection. Also in attendance were Benoit Pradaud, Director of Business Development at Groupauto International, and Bruno Etman, Director of Groupauto Latam Austral, along with directors and distinguished regional representatives.

Two intense days featured more than 300 speed meetings between suppliers, regional teams of Groupauto, and distributors. Additionally, attendees were invited to share a dinner show and a cocktail, where they enjoyed a space for networking and camaraderie.

For Robert Bosch Argentina, this new edition of Automechanika was a special occasion. The company celebrated its 100 years in Argentina and 20 years of uninterrupted participation in the leading international exhibition of services for the automotive industry.

During the fair, attendees had the opportunity to enjoy coworking spaces, training sessions, and various interactive activities to learn all about Mobility Aftermarket in Argentina.

Like Bosch Argentina, ZF Group renewed its commitment to Automechanika Buenos Aires with its new participation in the leading international exhibition of services for the automotive industry in Argentina. In this way, both companies consolidate themselves as members of the Automechanika Lovers Program.

The global technology company offering comprehensive product and software solutions for established vehicle manufacturers and emerging providers of security and transportation services presented innovations for the light, heavy, agricultural, and industrial segments and provided a space for contact and exchange with its current and potential clients.

In the framework of Automechanika Buenos Aires, CCRA (Chamber of Spare Parts Traders) invited the authorities of FACCERA (Argentine Federation of Chambers of Spare Parts Traders), AFAC (Argentine Association of Component Manufacturers), and Messe Frankfurt Argentina to a fellowship lunch. The meeting was held at the Barreto restaurant, with the aim of continuing the joint work focused on the automotive and auto parts industry.

These companies and entities coincided in choosing Automechanika Buenos Aires as the venue for their annual meetings with local and regional distributors. The trajectory of an event that reaffirms its leadership, accompanying the market leaders.

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